Agile is Dead, Long Live Agile

The way we work has shifted due to the pandemic, pushing Agile to evolve with the times. This evolution emphasizes people over processes, especially for teams spread around the globe. Through this article, learn how adapting Agile practices to focus on effective communication, mental health, and inclusivity can help teams navigate today's challenges. Discover the keys to making Agile work in a world where remote teamwork is the norm, ensuring businesses stay flexible and strong.

Written by: Blackstone Team


7 min

Agile is Dead, Long Live Agile

The pandemic has changed how we work, pushing businesses to operate remotely and showing us that Agile methods need to evolve.


Far from ending Agile, the pandemic has proven its worth, sparking changes that meet today’s challenges while staying true to its basic principles.


These changes call for a more people-focused approach, taking into account the difficulties of remote work and collaboration across global teams.


The True Essence of Being Agile

To truly understand Agile, we see it's more than just following steps; it's about a mindset that values flexibility, putting the customer first, working together, and being ready to adapt. This way of thinking has been crucial for businesses to thrive.


Agile Transformed: Adapting to a Global Crisis

The pandemic didn’t end Agile; it reshaped it, showing in several important areas:


Remote Work Adaptations

Moving to remote work has challenged how we usually do Agile, leading teams to find new ways to work together and keep agile from afar.

These changes have brought digital tools and methods into the mix, keeping the Agile spirit alive online.


A Renewed Focus on People

The health crisis has made us pay more attention to the well-being of employees. Agile methods have changed to put mental health, balance between work and life, and team spirit first, understanding that successful projects rely on happy, motivated people.


Being Flexible and Adaptable

The unpredictable pandemic has forced businesses to change direction quickly to meet new market demands and challenges.

The key idea of Agile, being open to change, has become even more important, helping teams move through uncertainty with strength and new ideas.


Closer Customer Work

The world has shifted how consumers act and what they expect, making it more important than ever to work closely with customers.

This time has shown the need to keep in tune with customer needs, making sure products and services stay useful and wanted.


Thinking About Global Teams

The growth of remote and spread-out teams has led to rethinking how Agile principles are used across different cultures and places.

This has brought about a more welcoming approach to Agile, fitting different ways of working and living to keep teams working well together, no matter where they are.


Understanding the Challenges

  • Talking and Working Together: Working remotely can make it hard to have quick chats and work together, especially when teams are in different time zones or rely on digital communication, which can miss the nuances of in-person talks.

  • Mental Health: Being isolated and juggling work-home boundaries can harm team members' mental health, affecting how engaged and productive they are.

  • Cultural and Language Differences: Global teams bring a wealth of views which is great but can also lead to misunderstandings, especially when not meeting face-to-face.

  • Keeping Agile Practices Alive: Moving Agile routines (like daily check-ins or review meetings) online needs creativity and openness to keep them helpful and welcoming for everyone.


Adopting the New Agile: How to Succeed

  • Open and Understanding Communication: Set up clear ways to talk. Encourage teams to share not just updates but personal stories, building an understanding environment. Use apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom to keep everyone connected.

  • Make Mental Health a Priority: Add breaks and activities for mental health into your Agile routine. Provide resources and support for mental well-being and train managers to recognize and address mental health concerns.

  • Celebrate Cultural Diversity: Use the different backgrounds of your global team as a strength. Promote cultural sharing sessions and make sure everyone has a chance to contribute, no matter where they are.

  • Remote-Friendly Agile Ceremonies: Bring the energy of Agile meetings online with digital tools. For example, plan sprints with digital whiteboards or gather feedback in meetings where team members can share thoughts anonymously.

  • Flexible Schedules: Understand the difficulties of working across time zones by allowing work at different times when possible and planning meetings that suit everyone.

  • Promote Learning: Create an environment where learning is encouraged, covering work roles, Agile methods, or how to communicate across cultures.

  • Ensure Everyone is Heard: Make sure all voices are considered in online meetings, and choices reflect the variety of your global team. Use tools like Miro or MURAL for brainstorming that includes everyone, no matter where they are.


Agile with Global Teams

Being Agile with teams around the world means embracing changes not just in projects but in how we connect, talk, and work together. It's about making sure, despite the distance, that your team shares goals, supports each other, and can adapt to new situations.


Bringing in the New Agile

This updated view of Agile, centered around people, flexibility, and global teamwork, provides a plan for businesses aiming to do well in a world after the pandemic. By taking up these ideas, organizations can build a culture that always looks to improve and is strong enough to face changes and challenges ahead.



After the pandemic, we see the need for Agile methods to move beyond their old limits, adopting a more people-centered approach. By tackling the specific issues of remote and global teams and using strategies to support communication, well-being, and openness, companies can develop a new Agile way that’s ready for today's challenges and those to come.


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